A group of young business people in a meeting.
Photo by Leon on Unsplash

We Need a New Business Paradigm.

Carolyn Newall


Yesterday Victorian’s were faced with another circuit breaker lockdown. A super fast and aggressive strain of the Covid-19 virus had taken advantage of an open door in hotel quarantine in Adelaide and, being airborne, it infected a person who came to Victoria. In the next few days the infection spread and, unknown to an infectious person, was taken to the footy and other places where there were large groups of people. The rest we know.

Amongst the many groups responding to the lockdown was the VCCI, (Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) who are supposed to represent businesses and companies in Victoria. The VACCI was quoted in a variety of media and their comments were expanded on and compounded in an email sent to people on their mailing list, of which I am one.

I am not sure what I am most disgusted in. The malevolently structured and crafted email or the VCCI’s (Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) total failure to act as a leader by offering advice and ideas to support Victorian businesses.

Business can care.

The social circles I have inhabited always gave the impression that the ‘business’ world was a little tacky. The ideas of selling and gathering wealth were viewed with a certain amount of scorn. Perhaps that is why it took so long to start a business and why I struggle with marketing…



Carolyn Newall

Teacher, First time business owner, CEO at We Teach Well, Supporter of social enterprise and profit for purpose.